CWU Family Research Study
Time is TBD
|scheduled zoom meeting
We hope to gain a better understanding of parents’ & siblings’ experience of grieving & coping before, during, and after a child’s death. The results are intended to inform the development of better support systems for families facing the death of their child. Mahalo for your consideration.

Time & Location
Time is TBD
scheduled zoom meeting
About the Event
Aloha Let Grace In Families,
We’d like to offer you an opportunity to share your story with researchers from Central Washington University (CWU). They hope to gain a better understanding of parents’ and siblings’ experience of grieving and coping before, during, and after a child’s death. The results are intended to inform the development of better support systems for families facing the death of their child. We also hope it will be therapeutic for you to share your story if you choose to participate.
Participation in this study is voluntary. If you, and/or a child in your family (8 or older), agree to be part of this study, please use this link or email katy.tenhulzen@cwu.edu to set up an appointment for a 60-minute web-based or phone interview with a member of the research team. They anticipate the interview taking between 30-60 minutes depending on the amount you choose to share. They will ask you to share about your experience and ask you questions related to coping and your perceptions of the support you received.
Interviews will be audio recorded to transcribe the interviews to ensure accuracy and the audio recordings will be deleted once the interview has been transcribed. All information collected for this study will remain confidential and when we report the results of this study, the people who participated in this study will not be named or identified in any way.
Thank you for considering this opportunity. Please email katy.tenhulzen@cwu.edu if you have questions about the study. Your decision to participate, or not, will not be shared with our organization. If you do choose to participate and change your mind later, you may opt-out at any time. We look forward to continuing to support your family.
Always remembering our angels,
Gabby & the entire LGI team