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Our lives forever changed the day that Grayson was born. Becoming first-time parents was overwhelming as we had never felt so much responsibility, delight and immense love. Grayson made us laugh, beam with pride, and we were moved by his loving heart and genuine concern for others. Grayson made us a family, and we never imagined tragedy would become our story.


Grayson was barely 5 when we found ourselves in the emergency room hearing a doctor explain a CAT scan had revealed that Grayson had a brain tumor. When the pathology returned a month later, it was Glioblastoma, the most aggressive brain cancer, rare in children. There was no treatment known to work, and we were told to focus on the time we had left. It seemed all hope was lost, and we could not see how we could survive without him. Regardless, we pushed forward desperate for a miracle.


We did it all, several brain and body surgeries, enrolled in the latest research protocol, chemotherapy complimented with natural medicine, and prayed with all of our hearts for a miracle cure. Grayson led us with his brave heart and encouraged us with his deep wisdom. As we apologized in hopelessness over his heart-breaking situation, Grayson simply replied: “Sometimes you can’t help the things you have to go through.” He was right. Life is unbearable at times. And we just have to show up in the moment, the best we can,  with what we got.


Grayson died on January 22, 2016, in our home, surrounded by great love. We prayed for his miracle cure, but the love we shared and his presence in our lives was the beautiful miracle all along. Grayson continues to inspire us daily to live with love at the forefront. He sends affirmations from heaven in the shape of hearts, encouraging us to love on. We could not have survived this journey without Grayson's love, God’s Grace and our powerful community.


Let Grace In is Grayson’s legacy of love. As his parents, we are committed to honoring his example of truly living by supporting other families who are hurting, embracing them with love and encouraging them to keep going.


We know we can’t do it alone and have experienced how much love is out there. Mahalo for being 'in it' with us.


With Aloha,

Gabby and Ka'eo

“Sometimes you can’t help the things
you have to go through."

“I love you so much, don’t worry."

- Grayson Na’auali’inamakakilo Gouveia

March 25, 2010 - January 22, 2016

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