We believe in the power of safe, holistic spaces for healing, building community, and restoring hope
Our annual Hope Retreat brings grieving families together for an intimate and immersive four days together. The retreats provide a safe space and time for families to acknowledge their pain together, share their stories, build community and participate in various therapeutic activities. The Hope Retreat offers an integrative holistic approach to address our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being.
Alongside our professional team, families are encouraged to allow grief to show up as it comes and express the emotions in the most authentic way possible- verbal sharing, art, laughter, crying, dance, body work, submerging in nature. We hold grief in our physical body and activities offered at retreat such as, lomi lomi, healing touch, personal training sessions, yoga, and big energy play activities for keiki help to move activated grief. For our emotional selves, the retreat provides multiple opportunities daily for sharing and expressing emotion in varied groups and activities.
Grief is a generational burden. At Hope Retreat, we make intentional time for grieving siblings to build their own relationships and have an opportunity both with and without their parents to engage in therapeutic activities and express their grief.
The next Hope Retreat will be in October 2024 on O'ahu. More info coming soon.
“My five year old daughter and I got to go to one of the retreats Let Grace In was having recently and itÊ»s just made such a huge difference in such a small amount of time, even just having access to the community.”
- Elisabeth
The more that we talk about it in a natural way, it just keeps those memories and that life
and that love alive within us.”
- Michael
In June 2023, Let Grace In partnered with the Moloka'i Community Health Center, a federal qualified health center who welcomed our team into their community.
This partnership expanded access to grief reources beyond O'ahu and was our first Neighbor Island Hope Retreat.