We believe in the power of safe, holistic spaces for healing, building community, and restoring hope
The Grief Recovery Method is an evidence-based, action-oriented grief program that helps people move through the pain of loss. This multi-week program provides a safe environment to look at your old beliefs about dealing with grief, which losses have affected your life, and take actions that will help heal the unresolved emotional pain surrounding your loss.
Let Grace In offers educational scholarships to grieving adults for a virtual 7-week 1:1 Grief Recovery Method program. During these 7 weeks, participants will work 1:1 with an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist.
If you are interested in receiving a scholarship for the 7-week 1:1 Grief Recovery Method experience, please email gabby@letgracein.org
“Doing the Grief Recovery Method in all the ways it was written and intended to be done helped me sort through the pain of losing my baby and be able to remember the good feelings. Now when I think of him it’s not something I want to push away, but something I can smile about. So much “myth-busting” about grief and helpful information that I haven’t come across elsewhere. Truly feel like a changed person and very fortunate to have done this work.”
- Scholarship Recipient