Chloe Pestana is a Kailua momma of 3, kind enough to share her story with our community. Chloe's son Legend was 3 years old when he was tragically found to have an AVM (arteriovenous malformation). Chloe shares her journey & about 'choosing life' after her precious boy crossed over in December 2017. In the links below, you can experience Chloe's story captured on the soul mammas podcast.
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Chloe is a writer and this is one entry she wants to share on life after death and love after loss: I've had a challenging time focusing specifically on loosing a child. Part of me feels guilty really, because as all encompassing as it can be, there are people with far worse circumstances. I'm also constantly intrigued with spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health that I am constantly learning and talking, writing and diving into that. Not to downplay the loss of a child in any way but in my own ways I have found that Legend is not lost, just taken new forms less visible and physical. Thats not to say I don't have hard days as we all know they are real, its just I have found a different way of viewing it. I'm learning to incorporate my experiences of death, dying and life after death into all my spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health explorations and finding it to be extremely interesting and connecting. Love and Light-- Chloe Pestana"Be a rainbow"
THE ARTWORK: The artwork displayed in this post is a an original watercolor and ink by our own Jessica Ando, MA, LMFT ( Jessica supported our oldest daughter Olivia, grieving her sibling with weekly Art Therapy sessions. Jessica now plays an essential role in the programing at Let Grace In and serves on our Board of Directors. Jessica mediates Let Grace In group sharing activities, leads art therapy sessions with our parents & keiki, and is a shining light in our community though her art and bereavement work.
This incredible art piece was inspired by Legend Pestana and was auctioned off to benefit the organization, 'Shakas for Legend'. Shakas was founded in memory of Legend & shares his passion with keiki through skateboarding events, Keiki scholar programs and giving back to the youth.